Manage Credentials

Managing User Credentials:

  1. Access Security Key Management: Click Users under Security Key Management section of the admin panel to manage users.
  2. View User Details: In the Users section, locate the user for whom you want to manage credentials. Click on the user’s name to access their detailed information.
  3. Access Credentials Tab: Within the user’s detail view, click on the “Credentials” tab. This tab is specifically for managing user credentials.
  4. View Existing Credentials: In the Credentials tab, you will see information about the user’s existing credentials which includes a list of RPs (Relying Parties) that user has registered his security key (he has a credential to access to that RP).
  5. Delete Credentials: You have the option to delete specific credentials associated with an RP (Relying Party).
  6. Credential’s Activity: You can also view a list of activities associated with a specific credential by clicking on an icon in the action column next to the delete icon.