Entra ID Provisioning Tool


This user guide provides instructions for using the provisioning.exe tool designed to streamline the creation of security keys for users on the Microsoft Azure sign-in portal. This document covers the initial beta version of the tool, which will be continuously improved over time.

Initial Steps

Before using the provisioning.exe tool, ensure the following:

  1. Recommended Chrome Version: Version 119.0.6045.200 (Official Build) (64-bit) or a more recent version is installed.

  2. Compatible Windows: Windows 8 or higher is recommended.

  3. Download Lists of Users:

    • To download user data for provisioning, follow these steps:
    • Go to the IDmelon panel.
    • Navigate to the “Users” menu.
    • Select the users for whom you want to perform the provisioning action.
    • Once you have selected the users, click on the export users icon.
    • From the dropdown, choose the “Export for Bulk Provisioning” option.
    • This action will initiate the download of a CSV file containing the information of the selected users.
  4. Downloading and Preparing the Tool:

    • Download the provisioning.exe tool.
    • Place both the users.csv and the provisioning.exe in the same directory.

Using the Tool

To effectively utilize this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you are logged into your workspace at the following address: https://panel.idmelon.com

  2. After logging in, execute the following command to retrieve credentials and initiate the tool’s setup:

.\provisioning.exe --login

The tool will provide guidance throughout the setup process. Once ready, press Enter.

Subsequently, the tool will open your web browser and redirect you to the Microsoft portal for authorization.

Upon successfully granting access, you will be redirected back to the IDmelon panel, and a success message will be displayed in your CMD/PowerShell, confirming the successful login.

Once you receive this success message, you may proceed to use the tool.

CAUTION: Please note that the credentials remain valid for 12 hours. After this duration, the tool will prompt you to perform the login procedure again, as described in this section.

Execution Steps

  1. Hold the Shift key and right-click in the directory where the provisioning.exe exists.

  2. Select “Open PowerShell” from the context menu.

  3. In the PowerShell window, use the following command to execute the script:

.\provisioning.exe --csv .\users.csv

This command will execute a silent version of the tool; however, it is recommended to execute the tool using the following command for visual monitoring:

.\provisioning.exe --csv .\users.csv --mode headful --verbose


The following command will execute the tool with verbose output:

.\provisioning.exe --csv .\users.csv --verbose

If you prefer to monitor the process in a visible browser window (headful mode), you can use the following command. However, ensure not to interact with the opened browser window during the process, as it may disrupt the workflow:

.\provisioning.exe --csv .\users.csv --mode headful

Note: It is possible to chain options to have both a headful browser and verbosity:

.\provisioning.exe --csv .\users.csv --mode headful --verbose

Version Information: To print the version of the tool, use the --version flag:

.\provisioning.exe --version

Automatic Provisioning

The automatic provisioning feature works the way that automatically receives newly added users who need to be provisioned from the server and performs the provisioning operation for them. In this case, everything will be done automatically by entering the following command:

.\provisioning.exe --automatic-provision

Note: This operation is repeated for all users who need to be provisioned. Therefore, the amount of time it takes depends on the number of users. So, if you want to end the operation for any reason, just end it with the combination keys ctrl + c. By typing the above command again, you can operate for the remaining users.

Note: If for any reason the provisioning operation of any user encounters an error, the user’s information is temporarily stored in the failures.csv file. and you can check the reason for the failure later.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

SSL Certificate Verification Error

If you encounter an SSL certificate verification error with the message “[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] Certificate verification failed: unable to get the local issuer certificate,” you can resolve it using either of the following flags:

  1. --disable-ssl-verify (recommended):

    .\provisioning.exe --csv users.csv --mode headful --verbose --disable-ssl-verify
  2. --local-ssl-verify:

    .\provisioning.exe --csv users.csv --mode headful --verbose --local-ssl-verify

Note: This error might be related to your organization’s network configuration. Please try changing the network if possible before using these commands.

Sync User Data Error

If you encounter the error message “Failed to retrieve TAP: Sync user data by importing from Azure AD and try again,” you will need to sync the imported users with Microsoft Entra ID from the IDmelon panel again. This issue is related to Microsoft session management and is not related to IDmelon.

Logging and Issue Tracking

We are tracking the tool’s activity and collect logs in both visual and text formats. The tool takes screenshots and generates textual logs during its operation. The logs and screenshots directories are automatically created next to the provisioning.exe file.

In case you encounter any issues or errors while using the tool, please consider sharing the logs and screenshots with us. This will help us diagnose and address the cause of any failures more effectively. Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.

Note: All logs are collected on your local computer. The tool does not collect any data on IDmelon servers.

Important Notes

Headful Mode Caution: In headful mode, avoid any interaction with the open browser window, even if you believe it is stuck on an error. The script will detect errors and continue after a few seconds. If the page goes blank, it will be interrupted after 90 seconds, so do not interact with the browser.