Deploy with Windows Scripts
This README provides a combined script for automatic deployment, including both installation and uninstallation procedures.
To install the application silently, follow these steps:
- Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
- Copy and paste the following command:
@echo off
echo Installing Application...
start "" /wait "C:\Path\to\Your\Application\setup.exe" /S
echo Installation complete.
Replace "C:\Path\to\Your\Application\setup.exe"
with the actual path to your installation executable and adjust any parameters (/S for silent installation) as necessary.
To uninstall the application silently, follow these steps:
- Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
- Copy and paste the following command:
@echo off
echo Uninstalling Application...
start "" /wait "C:\Program Files (x86)\IDmelon\Accesskey\uninstall.exe" /S
timeout /t 30 /nobreak >nul
echo Uninstallation complete.
Replace "C:\Program Files (x86)\IDmelon\Accesskey\uninstall.exe"
with the actual path to the uninstaller executable and adjust any parameters (/S for silent uninstallation) as necessary. You can also adjust the timeout duration (/t 30 in seconds) as needed.